Rate your day
If you're looking for a safe place to keep track of how your day was, especially if you have kids, Rate My Day is a simple free service just for that.
Kid friendly
Asking your kids to rate their day on a scale and choose emojis to represent how they feel is a great way to get insight into how they are feeling and what is going on in their lives.
There is no advertising on this site. We will never share your personal data with anyone else. This is a free service and always will be.
Get an overview of how you are doing over time. See which words and emojis are most common in your daily ratings
Just a number, a short bit of text to capture the highlights, and some cute emojis to keep a brief record of you (or your child's) day.
You can see your total and average ratings, as well as a word cloud of your most common words and a chart of your most used emojis